If you liked a product but you have doubts about the seller, here are some tips to keep in mind:
- Review seller’s reputation:
In the “Reviews” section you can see the number of users who recommend and each of theirreviews and ratings on the
product. We recommend reading the comments (whether positive,neutral or negative) to know exactly what happened in
each case.
- Read the product description in detail:
Review the publication carefully and pay close attention to article’s description and photos to besure of the
conditions of sale proposed by the seller.
- Check the item’s warranty:
If the product is new, we recommend that you make sure you have a warranty and that you canreturn it or receive a
refund if it becomes necessary.
- Contact Seller for any query:
If you think the product details page not enough information about the product then you can ask seller directly from
product details page’s by “Contact Seller” option