How to choose which seller to buy? If you liked a product but you have doubts about the seller, here are some tips to keep in mind:...
What if I have a problem with the seller? Although it is not common, if you have a problem with the purchase, we will be there to helpyou. The...
How to qualify the seller? Through your review, we can know if you had any inconvenience with the purchase and give the same information to...
How can I register as a seller on If you want to become a seller on and start publishing your products, You need to register first as...
What is and how does reputation as a seller work on Your reputation is the place you occupy within a ranking that represents with stars and reviews of your buyers...
How do you protect the seller? We will help you if problems arise! If for some reason an inconvenience arises with a purchase, it is most...
How to get approval as a seller from Once you’re profile 100% completed by following the steps. We will get back to you soon by providing you the...
How to setup my seller profile info? First of all you need to login into your ventamart seller account. After login, you need to navigate profile setting...