How can I register as a seller on If you want to become a seller on and start publishing your products, You need to register first as...
How can I post/upload product on To publish a product on our platform, you must follow the next steps: Access to your account at by...
How can I make a good post on Here at we want to help you capture as many customers as possible, and to do so we have...
What are banned products for sale? Before anything, we do not allow what the laws do not allow. If you have any questions about a product,...
How to deliver or send a product? If you will make shipments on your own If you are sending the product on your own to the address...
What are the charges for selling on For each sale made on our platform we will charge a commission of 10% of the total amount. We do...
What is and how does reputation as a seller work on Your reputation is the place you occupy within a ranking that represents with stars and reviews of your buyers...
How do you protect the seller? We will help you if problems arise! If for some reason an inconvenience arises with a purchase, it is most...
How to sell on Note: To be a seller on you must have a desktop computer Create a seller account. Add Payment/Bank info....
How to get approval as a seller from Once you’re profile 100% completed by following the steps. We will get back to you soon by providing you the...